Rage quit yu gi oh
Rage quit yu gi oh

Getting so emotional over a video game just seems weird. Issues! Eat some freaking happy pills before playing video games he threw it at her face? Jesus, who does said: said: said: I haven't rage quit at all.

rage quit yu gi oh

At that point it find it fucking pathetic, you get so angry at a game that your already dumbed down brain deems it alright to harm another person. He wasn't just tossing it in heir general direction, he aimed for her head. It's fine that they get frustrated though, that's just how they work but a friend of mine threw his controller at his girlfriend because she beat him at like Tekken twice in a row. I just go "oh well" and come back to it later and play something else so I can't really see it from their perspective. Yes, throwing controllers and getting angry over a game sounds childish in a calm state, but it's understandable looking from the perspective of another frustrated person.I wouldn't know since I don't get frustrated with games when I can't beat them. That's a fair point, but I think it's less anger that's issued toward the friend and more towards the fact that, no matter what one may do, they cannot win. Quit before the end of the first said: said: I haven't rage quit at all. Even in a game like MK where that counts as a loss! The MOST satisfying though was when someone jumped in on my Abel in SSFIV no less than four consecutive times only to be grabbed out of the air and slammed down. Once some players realize you're not going to fall for their "jump in, sweep, uppercut, projectile" dial-a-combo, they tend to just ragequit. Especially playing Mortal Kombat and Super Street Fighter 4. I've had TONS of people ragequit on me though. Didn't screw anyone over, but I DID feel a little silly afterward. I played through something like seven of the ten minutes without one single kill or stun (I had people a third my level WELL above me score-wise) and I yelled into my non-headset "You know what? FINE! FUCK IT!" and just quit out. I've never Ragequit, at least in fighting games, since I'm always the WORST fighting game player in my house and I'd basically NEVER play if I ragequit.BUT WAIT! There was one time in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood multiplayer where I couldn't get a single kill. Issues! Eat some freaking happy pills before playing video games

rage quit yu gi oh

It's not their fault you suck in the first place I see no reason to go apeshit and throw controllers around and get angry at a friend.

rage quit yu gi oh rage quit yu gi oh

Trying to accomplish any goal, and failing repeatedly (especially if it's close) is frustrating no matter what one could be doing.It's just a matter of figuring out what you're doing wrong since you keep failing at that one point in a game or get beaten up in a match of Street Fighter or whatever game you're playing.

Rage quit yu gi oh